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Intalnind noi femei

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Intalnind noi femei

Subiectele pe care le dezbatem, sunt subiecte care se adreseaza celor care se confrunta cu diferite probleme de relationare. Desi fiecare ne dorim sa avem o viata frumoasa, succes la femei, sa gasim barbatul care sa ne implineasca, in realitate barbatii nu toti sunt seducatori, siguri pe ei, au probleme cu femeile. Unii realizeaza asta si vor sa se dezvolte, sa inteleaga femeile, sa aiba o relatie buna cu cei din jur.

Femeile vor sa-si controleze gelozia, violenta verbala, manipularea pe care o folosesc incercand sa tina un barbat pe loc atunci cand acesta vrea sa plece.

Nu cred in blesteme, farmece, legarea cununiilor.

Cred in schimb intr-o proasta sau insuficienta cunoastere a oamenilor. Nu toata lumea are o intuitie fantastica in ceea ce priveste barbatul, femeia. Nu toata lumea studiaza body language, nu toata lumea are puterea de percepere a omului asa cum este el, vis-a vis de persoana sa.

abordarea femeilorProblemele de relationare nu sunt doar strict legate de relatia barbat femeie ca si cuplu, relatiile se extind in toata viata noastra si ne afecteaza pozitiv sau negative, in functie de felul in care gandim sau reactionam.

Daca un barbat sau o femeie au ajuns la varsta de 40 de ani fara sa fi avut o relatie serioasa, fara sa fi intemeiat o familie este inutil sa aruncam vina pe cei din jurul nostru.

Intelept este sa privim in noi.

Nici o femeie care este intr-o relatie cu un barbat , nu poate sa-i arunce in cap vorbe dupa 2 ani ca ea il iubeste si ca el nu vrea sa o ia de nevasta.

Sa fim seriosi:) barbatul realizeaza relativ repede daca femeia din fata lui este femeia care il implineste si vrea sa fie mama copiilor lui sau pur si simplu este femeia langa care vrea sa-si petreaca restul vietii. Dar nu va renunta la o relatie comfortabila decat in momentul in care gaseste altceva. Dar mesajele lui vor fi destul de clare, chiar daca nu ti le va spune sau nu le va arata. Priveste cu atentia relatia care o are cu tine si vei realiza simplu, dar femeile prefera de multe ori sa se minta singure.

Daca ezita si ezitarea lui este de 2-3-5 ani este clar ca nu este convins de tine si cautarile lui vor continua.

Lumea s-a schimbat, vremurile sunt altele decat acum 20-25 de ani.

Nu-i mai poti impune unei femei sa stea langa tine daca eu nu se mai simte bine. Multe femei ies dintr-o casnicie chiar si dupa 20 de ani.

Un barbat de 30 de ani poate avea o relatie fantastica cu o femeie de 40 de ani.

Trebuie sa ne intelegem si sa ne adaptam noilor “reguli” pe care noi ca si membrii ai societatii le facem.

De multe ori chiar nu este simplu sa faci primul pas.

Multi barbati au o problema cand este vorba sa se apropie de o femeie, simt ca nu sunt pregatiti sa vorbeasca cu ele. Cand vine vorba de comunicare sociala cu femeile, unii barbati devin supusi, sunt timizi,  folosesc un body language si vocea care arata ca si cum si-ar cere scuze, ca si cum ar cere aprobarea femeilor si in felul asta par slabi in fata lor. Atitudinea asta, va face  femeile sa gandeasca ca tu te porti asa tot timpul si te vor evita.

Barbatii care au o buna comunicare cu femeile, care sunt siguri pe ei  nu vor folosi metode clasice de agatare si nici nu vor folosi in conversatii mesaje ca: ” Salut, esti din zona?” . Acesta este doar un exemplu, mesaje mai proaste decat acesta am auzit mult mai multe.

Barbatul sigur pe el,  va folosi un zambet sincer, va pune intrebari deschise si limbajul sau corporal va indica ca se simte comfortabil si este sigur pe el. Ei dau atentie situatiei si se apropie de femeie nelasand impresia ca o intrerupe din ceea ce ea facea sau folosind un limbaj “taranesc”.

Incep conversatia  ca si cum ar fi un prieten vechi, nearatand semne de nesiguranta, in incearcarea  sa de a a afla daca femeia din fata lui implineste ceea ce el cauta la o femeie.

Daca incerci sa cunosti o femeie intr-un club sau bar, este de asemenea o foarte buna idee sa ai un prieten bun care sa te  ajute sa intalnesti femei sau un “wingman”. Wingman este o persoana care are rolul de a te indruma, te a te ajuta, de a explica, de a citi rapid body language, de a te feri de intalnirile dezastruoase.

Acesta te va ajuta cu suport moral, capabil sa citeasca semnele si codurile transmise de o femeie, ajutandu-te in felul asta sa interactionezi cu femeile. Dar, asigura-te ca prietenul tau este capabil el insusi sa aiba o relatie buna cu femeile, nu este genul de barbat care face ca lucrurile sa fie si mai proaste decat sunt  in realitate si sa sperie femeile spre care doresti sa te indrepti.

Important! In momentul in care o femeie crede despre tine ca esti intr-un anumit fel, ea va crede ca asa esti si nu este doar un rol pe care-l joci.

Nu exista o formula magica care sa te ajute sau sa se potriveasca cu fiecare femeie in jurul careia gravitezi.  Ofera-ti timp sa analizezi posibilele probleme legate de modul tau curent de a te apropia de o femeie. Incearca sa vezi de ce esti respins. Undeva tu gresesti.

Gandeste-te la situatiile obisnuite cand vezi o femeie si ti-ar place sa te intalnesti cu ea, fa-ti diferite metode de abordare, mesaje scurte de salut pentru a intra in conversatie cu ele.

Fi atent la locul in care ai vazut femeia, prietenii care o insotesc, la felul in care este imbracata, cum rade, cum isi mentine corpul. Mesajele care arata ca este deschisa  pentru o abordare.

De asemenea pregateste-te fizic si emotional pentru o femeie care posibil sa faca ea primul pas. O femeie care deschide prima discutia este o femeie interesata de tine.

Daca iti place de ea,  nu te speria, nu arunca cuvinte aiurea, fi stapan pe tine, altfel sigur ea se va retrage iar tu vei bea un alt pahar cu tarie la bar spunandu-ti:  “Da, prost mai sunt!”

Repeta si fa cat mai multe exercitii de conversatie si tehnici de comunicare .Cu cat esti mai comfortabil si increzator in tine atunci cand vei fi in preajma femeilor vei observa diferenta in care ele iti raspund.

Multumesc pentru mesajele primite si discutiile avute.

Mai multe articole in relatii si sex


Relatii si sex

Top 10: Lucruri pe care femeile le gasesc neatractive la un barbat

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barbati respinsiSper ca barbatii sa iubeasca aceasta postare. Nu fac decat sa le vin in ajutor.

Voi prezenta cateva aspecte pe care majoritatea femeilor le gasesc neatractive la un barbat. Am foarte multe prietene femei si ne povestim una alteia cate ceva. Desi suntem diferite, sunt cateva elemente comune in ceea ce priveste ce ne place sau nu ne place la barbati.

Asa ca azi o sa va povestesc ce nu ne place.

Barbatii petrec o gramada de timp incercand sa  inteleaga  ce le place femeilor, ce le atrage pe acestea la un barbat.  Din nefericire multi dintre ei sunt inca confuzi legat de acest aspect.

Asa ca eu voi fi prietena voastra si va voi spune ce anume nu ne place la barbati.

1.Probleme cu igiena

Miros urat, respiratie grea, dantura neingrijita, barbieritul neatent, haine murdare, dezlanate, urate, demodate  vor tine femeile intotdeauna departe de voi.
2. Lipsa ambitiei

Femeile adora sa fie in preajma barbatilor independenti, care au propria viata, ambitii, teluri. Pare calea cea mai lunga, dar odata implicat intr-o conversatie cu o femeie si din discutie reiese ca nu ai teluri, vise, dorinte, scopuri, femeia va pleca de langa tine instantaneu.

Corect. Si tu faci la fel, daca femeia este neputincioasa, plangacioasa sau vrea doar sa se foloseasca detin financiar.

Suprinzator cat de multi barbati cauta femei care sa-i intretina!!!!!
3. Iresponsabilitatea 

Femeile nu vor sa investeasca timp si energie in barbatii care nu-si pot controla viata, munca si care probabil pot deveni o povara in viata lor. Ultimul lucru pe care si-l doreste o femeie este un barbat care nu este capabil sa-si pastreze un job si sa-si plateasca singur facturile. Din toate conversatiile avute, majoritatea barbatilor isi cauta o femeie care sa-i suporte , sa-i intretina. Nu, nu, nu e intelept. De aceea sunteti singuri domnilor.
4. Lipsa increderii in sine.

Femeile isi doresc un barbat care sa le sprijine, sa le ghideze, sa le protejeze, sa le ofere sentimentul de siguranta. Daca in permanenta iti plangi de mila, te plangi de viata ta, de cei din jur sigur femeia te va lasa singur sa fi patetic si sa-ti plangi de mila, acuzand ca viata e grea, nedreapta si ca toata lumea e pornita impotriva ta.

5. Lipsa umorului

Daca ti-ai dat seama sau nu, umorul, simtul umorului este foarte important pentru o femeie. De fapt umorul face parte din lista punctelor care fac ca o femeie sa fie atrasa de tine si o face sa-ti acorde atentie.

Nici o femeie nu-si doreste sa fie cu un barbat care nu este capabil de autoironie, sa faca o gluma si sa gaseasca o cale sa rada chiar si intr-o situatie mai putin placuta.
6. Barbatii care nu ofera niciodata complimente.

Femeile iubesc complimentele, dar daca nu faci sau faci prea putine, femeile nu te vor crede, nu vor crede in tine si se vor intreba ce vrei de la ele.

7. Sa fii beat

Nimic nu este mai putin atractiv pentru o femeie decat sa vada un barbat beat. Daca nu-ti poti mentine controlul consumului de alcool, este clar ca nu vei avea o judecata corecta, vei spune lucruri urate despre si in prezenta femeilor.
 8. Burta de la bere:)

Abdomenul tau este predominant. Ce vede o femeie la tine? No, no, no.. berea o fi buna, dar burta nu. Atractie sexuala? Hmm intrebare.. ai idee pe unde este? Penisul este si pentru sex. Il gasesti la timp?  No. Categoric, nu.
9. Fiind obsedat de sport

Majoritatea femeilor singure nu sunt obsedate de sport si nu-si petrec majoritatea timpului uitandu-se la sport. Eu iubesc sportul si nu este absolut nimic in neregula cu el. Ma duc la gym si vad salile pline cu barbatii care se intretin si au grija de corpul lor. Dar cand te duci la intalnire nu discuta doar despre sport sau nu abandona femeia doar ca sa te uiti la echipa favorita. Sigur altcineva iti va lua locul si va avaea grija de nevoile ei.

10. Sa fi mult prea agresiv

Femeilor nu le plac barbatii care insista atunci cand sunt la primele intalniri sa le atinga. Ieri va povesteam cum flirteaza femeile. Daca limbajul corporal arata ca ele nu doresc asta, respecta acest lucru, nu deveni agresiv, chiar daca femeia te atrage foarte mult. Ne speriati! Rezultatul. Va respingem

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Viata in UK. Londra


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interview Everybody is nervous to some degree at an interview. It is useful to remember that the interview is a two way process As much as the employer may be making decisions on your suitability for the job, you too should be making decisions on whether this is the right role or company for you. Do not be afraid to ask questions towards the end of the interview with regard to your role or to find out more about the company.

A list of appropriate and inappropriate questions at an interview can be found later on in this booklet.


  • Find out as much about the role, the job and the company in advance – this should help calm your nerves as there should be no surprise questions.
  • Make sure you know where you are going! Find out in advance where the nearest train station or bus stop is and how long the journey should take.
  • Take out your interview outfit well in advance of the interview – not the night before. Any dropped hems or split seems need time to be mended!
  • Take a copy of your CV with you. The employer may also request you to bring your exam certificates, a passport and proof of address. Check this with them in advance.
  1. Body language is important. The way you sit, stand or even shake hands gives a first impression to an employer – you need to ensure that it is the right one!
  2. Answer questions fully, clearly and concisely. Don’t waffle and don’t give too short an answer either. You need to feel assured that you know your stuff and that you can hold a conversation with others. Answer questions in a clear, concise and confident manner.
  3.  Take a deep breath and remember that you have skills to offer which will be an asset to the company!
  4. Use the interview as a chance for you to find out if the company and role are right for you. View the interview as a two way process.
  5. Ask appropriate questions at the end of the interview. Some are listed in this booklet.

Possible interview questions you may be asked and can prepare for in advance

•            Why have you applied for this post?

•            What experience do you have in this field?

•             Can you tell us about yourself?

•            Which unique qualities can you bring to this role?

•             Have you ever been responsible for managing a project on your own?

•             Do you consider yourself to be a team player?

•            When was the last time you implemented a positive change?

•             How would you ensure you kept information obtained through work confidential?

•            What do you understand by the terms; equal opportunities and diversity? How would you implement this in your role?

•             How could you see this role and your career develop?

•            What do you consider to be your main strengths/ weaknesses?

•            What motivates you?

•             Describe a situation where you influenced somebody positively: how did you go about it?

•             Can you describe a situation that you find particularly challenging or difficult but where you persisted?

How do you plan and prioritise your work? What have been your key achievements in your career?

You can never predict all the questions an employer may ask you but if you are able to practice with a friend or family member it will give you confidence for the real interview and also give you an idea of answers you may need to build upon. Remember practice makes perfect! It’s better to make mistakes in a mock interview than in the real thing!

At the interview itself make sure you include examples, if possible, of what you have achieved and how you accomplished this. The interviewer may put a scenario to you and ask how you would handle a certain situation which arose at work so be prepared to think on your feet!

Be aware of your body language. You may be nervous but fidgeting or tapping your foot can be distracting to the interviewer and may make them think that you are not confident in your ability to do the job.

Try and keep good eye contact and if the employer puts out his/her hand to shake yours make sure you respond with a short but firm hand shake.

Answer their questions in a clear and concise manner. If you appear relaxed and open in your body language the employer will become more relaxed too.

Make sure that you refer to your abilities and experience in a positive manner. Do not mention negative experiences in previous work places or what you consider to be your faults unless directly asked. Even then, try if possible, to present a negative quality in a positive light.

Remember, this is your chance to shine and to sell your skills to your prospective new employer. The employer will use the interview to gauge your personality so be yourself, answer questions confidently and don’t forget to smile occasionally

Question time!

Nobody likes to be put on the spot so it’s always best to prepare a few questions beforehand if possible, but be careful some questions should ideally never be asked at an interview.

What not to ask at an interview!

Hopefully, you may have already done your homework and know in advance how much annual leave you can take or whether the employer operates flexible working patterns.

If not, however, it is generally wise not to bring up issues around pay, holiday, hours at an interview as an employer will expect you to be more focussed on the job rather than the perks.

When you are offered the job, feel free to check these details with the employer or human resources department as you are in a better negotiating position. If the employer brings up these issues with you at the interview then answer questions honestly but you do not have to answer any personal questions such as:

Are you planning to have more children?

Do you envisage childcare being a problem if you take on this role?

Success! What happens now?

When an employer contacts you to let you know that you have been successful and that they would like to offer you the job, make sure that you have any questions you wish to ask them, to hand.

It may take time to organise suitable childcare so check with the employer the potential start date they have in mind. Be realistic don’t say you can start in a week’s time if you know it may be difficult to organise childcare by then.

It is fine at this point to discuss your salary scale and if there is any leverage to start at a higher point of the scale if your experience warrants it.

You may also wish to discuss flexible working opportunities to fit around your family commitments. Information on flexible working can be found later on in this booklet.

Once you are clear on your working conditions it’s time to make sure that everything is in place for you to start your first day at work!

And don’t forget to celebrate! You’ve made it!


What if you’re not successful?

If you have not been successful at the interview this time, don’t worry, most people experience a few interviews before they find the right job for them. Treat the interview you have had as practice and learn from it. Most employers are happy for you to call them back to ask for feedback as to why you weren’t successful. This information could be invaluable for your next interview.

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated at an interview and discriminated against for being a parent or for any other reason contact: or call the helpline on: 08457 47 47 47 for information and advice on how to deal with this.


There are many reasons why you might wish to set up your own business. You may have identified a particular gap in the market, you may wish to supplement your existing income by setting up your own part-time business or it may be the employment solution that best fits your current circumstances. Before you set about starting your own business get specialist advice.

Contact the Sutton Business Start Up Team on:

020 8770 4015.

If you don’t live in Sutton Surrey, try to contact the Council from your town.


Good luck!

you can download interview success from here!



Feel free to ask if you need help with English to Romanian translation.

Practice answering possible interview questions with a friend or family member in advance – they will be able to provide vital feedback on how you come across at an interview.