Aproape in fiecare zi primesc un mesaj de genul asta: “Sunt in Romania. Poti sa-mi spui mai multe despre firma asta. Stii ceva despre agentia X. Am aplicat pentru un post de baby sitter, chelner”
In urma cu o saptamana chiar comentam pe face book despre tepele care se dau online.
Foarte multi romani din cauza problemelor economice din Romania dar si alte tari (Italia, Grecia, Spania etc) se reorienteaza catre Marea Britanie.
Saptamana trecuta o doamna m-a cautat sa-mi puna niste intrebari despre un posibil contract pe care l-a semnat.
“ma numesc X dupa mai multe conversatii pe mail cu o fam. din REGNO UNITO am primit un contract de munca unde scria ca am un salar de 5500 euro lunar cu 30 ore pe saptamina si am sa lucrez la ei in casa ca babysiter si curat si mincare de fapt sa fac tot.AM ACCEPTAT AM SEMNAT CONTRACTUL CARE ERA SEMNAT DE FAM SI AVEA SI 2 STAMPILE SI UN TIMBRU UNDE TREBUIA EU SA SEMNEZ am semnat si l am trimis acu imi spune ca trebuie sa astept un certificat de asigurare ca ei sa fie siguri ca merg numa la ei la lucru e adevarat sau o mare trufa. am stat de vorba si pe skipe si am gasit adresa am localizat pe harta el zice ca este in camerun la o ambasada si ea are copil de 10 luni si lucreaza la o ceva petrolifera si el vine la 2 saptamini acasa si ea pleaca dimineata si vine seara. am vazut poza cu copilul m am uitat pe mail el lucreaza la ambasada del regno unito in camerun,iar eu la lucru in regno unito”
“Buna, am o rugaminte, pentru ca esti in londra si poate reusesti sa ma ajuti si pe mine cu o informatie sau nu stiu cum sa ii spun. Am aplicat la postul de waiter de la hotel indego, am primit un chestionar de la ei(atasat in mail), l-am completat, iar astazi am primit oferta de lucru(atasata in mail). poti sa imi spui care este legatura intre indego hotel si pestana hotels & resorts? pentru ca vreau sa vin dar nu nu stiu la ce sa ma astept”
Mi-a trimis “contractul” pe care vi-l dau si voua sa-l cititi.
Date: 11 th February 2013
Dear X, (din motive de securitate am sters numele persoanei respective),
Congratulations! We are pleased to confirm you have been selected to work for the Pestana
Chelsea Bridge Hotel London. We are delighted to make you the following job offer.
The position we are offering is that of (Waiter) at a salary of (£4,300) per month, which is a gross salary and the Net salary is (£3,600). This position reports to (Assistant HR Manager – Giulia Bove). Your working hours will be from (7am – 3pm (8hrs) Mon-Fridays), with break period of 2hrs hours only, beginning from (12pm – 2pm). This is a contract position which you would be able to work here in London for a minimum of 1yr and a maximum of 5yrs.
We would like you to start work on (18th MAR 2013). If this date is not acceptable, please do inform us.
• Employee’s are entitled to (2) times leave in a year, the duration of the leave is one month each. Employee will receive
£1,250 take home for each leave period.
• Employees are entitled to three (3) square meals daily and also expected to reside at the Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel London
staff quarters for a period of one (1) year, whereby the hotel management would be responsible to take care of the employee’s accommodation, The only fees which would be required of a new employee to pay before moving into the staff quarters is the A.R.F (Accommodation Registration Fee)
There are three (3) packages from which a new employee can choose from and they are listed below.
Executive King Room (Family Package Included) –£ 1,520.25
Double Superior King Room (Family Package Included) –£ 987.25
Deluxe King Room (For Single Worker Only) –£ 535.25
• The Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel London will provide the employee with comprehensive
health care for the term of contract and follow-on care for injuries suffered during the term of contract for employee and family.
• Employee shall be entitled to comprehensive health care services, which are to be administered by medical experts on job locations.
• In a case of emergency situation, an employee will be flown to his home country or any country suitable for the best medical attention. This decision can be influenced by the findings of the Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel London medical experts, unless the employee in question states otherwise.
Information Regarding Travelling Documentations:
•As a Non-EU Citizen, you would require a Visa and a Residence Work
Permit, so as for you to be eligible to work here in the UK. The Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel London management would be responsible to cover the expenses for the processing of your Visa and Flight Ticket, whereby you would have to bear the charges for the processing of your Residence Work Permit
As an EU citizen and a member of the EEA and the SWISS National, you do
not require a Visa or Work Permit to enter and work in the UK. The Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel London management would be responsible to pay for your Flight Ticket.
Note : EU citizens, especially from (Romania & Bulgaria) would require a Residence Work Permit so
as for them to be eligible to work here in the UK and as for other EU Citizens, you wouldn’t need a Visa or Work Permit to work here in the UK and the only fees which would be required of you to pay for is the A.R.F (Accommodation Registration Fee).
You should also note that your employment here at the Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel London, would be considered under the TIER 2 CASES work permit application scheme and your are entitled to work for a period of one (1) year or five (5) i.e. if you which to extend your employment ere at the Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel London or with some other company/organization.
Kindly sign this letter and return it back to us as an email attachment to indicate your acceptance of
this offer.
We are confident you will be able to make a significant contribution to the success of the
Chelsea Bridge Hotel London
354 Queenstown Road, London
SW8 4AE. London, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 70 3 196 3074 Fax: +44 (0)20 7493 8139
and look forward to working with you.
Tristan Knight
Human Resource Manager
Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel London
I accept the offer as outlined above
Name: Date:
——-/——-/——– Signature:
Actele au ajuns in format PDF si voi incerca sa le atasez. Actul era stampilat, m-am uitat pe stampila si era foarte ciudata.
Dupa ce am citit contractul i-am spus baiatului ca este teapa si l-am rugat sa verifice ceva. Dupa 2 ore mi-a trimis un alt email in care imi confirma ca era spam.
Un alt mesaj l-am primit de la cineva care imi spunea ca a aplicat ptr un job pe Gumtree si i s-au cerut £50. Dupa ce a platit a verificat adresa sa se duca la munca. Din pacate a fost o teapa de £ 50
Vreau sa va atrag atentia asupra unor lucruri foarte importante.
1. Nici un angajator din UK adevarat, absolut nici unul nu face angajari fara interviuri “face to face”. Ma refer la joburile de baby sitter, au pair, chelner, bucatar etc.
Cu atat mai mult daca vorbim de oameni foarte bogati, hoteluri de lux unde cerintele sunt extrem de ridicate.
Se primesc sute de aplicatii. Nici macar in Romania nu te angajeaza nimeni, nu te pune sa semnezi o hartie fara sa te vada.
Poate sa existe un pre-intreviu online, pe skype, dar este oficial si nu esti anuntat ca ti-ai obtinut jobul, ci eventual poti fi preselectat. Posibil sa iei un job daca aplici ptr un job a NASA si ii lasi pe aia cu gura cascata. Atunci trimit si avionul dupa tine.
In rest interviurile sunt “face to face”. Am fost si eu la cateva si chiar nu umbla nici un caine cu covrigi in coada.
2. Salariile acestea sunt strigatoare la cer. Un baby sitter, un au pair care traieste in casa cu familia, poate castiga £100-£150 /saptamana, asta in cazul in care lucreaza pentru o familie generoasa. Are cazare, mancare asigurata.
Am o prietena care lucreaza pentru o familie foarte bogata din Londra si cand spun foarte bogata inseamna foarte bogata. Se plimba cu familia cam peste tot in Europa, traieste in niste conditii de lux, munceste de se rupe, si primeste cam £1.700.
Dar la interviu au fost cel putin 30 de candidate. A fost aleasa pentru ca este foarte tanara si foarte isteata, cunoaste 2-3 limbi, are o prezenta extraordinara.
Ca si chelner chiar si in localurile, pub-urile, hotelurile de lux, tot cu minimul pe economie esti platit. Se mai castiga din bacsis. In functie de cat esti de bun, in timp ti se mareste salariul. E adevarat ca sunt si barmani care sunt foarte bine platiti si bucatari, dar asta dupa ce te pun la treaba si vad ce poti face.
Londra este plina de oameni talentati, de ce ar alege pe cineva din Romania pe care nu l-au vazut si testat niciodata?
Dar sa crezi ca vei primi £5000 de lire pe luna, concedii platite, bilete de avion???? In nici un caz.
Am cunoscut un medic cardiolog, in primul an a plecat de jos de la postul de asistent, pana i-au fost recunoscut toate calificarile, diplomele, diferentele, si-a imbunatatit engleza, a facut practica ca asistent si a trecut prin toate etapele. E adevarat ca dupa 1 an de zile si-a castigat locul bine meritat si este un medic foarte bine cotat.
Intreb din nou? Un post de chelner sa fie atat de bine cotat?
3. Primul lucru pe care l-am descoperit aici a fost sa descopar sistemul de functionare in UK, legat de contracte.
In tara asta pana acum, eu nu am vazut o stampila, nici macar una. Contractele de munca nu se stampileaza. Nici macar facturile nu se stampileaza.
Asta mi-a atras atentia in mod ciudat.
Dar da bine pentru cei care nu cunosc legislatia UK.
Cand vezi pe email un ditamai contractul stampilat cu sigiliul “reginei” esti convins ca regina si-a pus mana pe capul tau (ironic)
Daca s-ar fi uitat cu atentie pe stampila respectiva s-ar fi vazut o data 1869 International fraternity and …( I couldn’t read the last word)
4. Momentan sunt restrictii pe piata muncii in Marea Britanie, deci nu poti fi angajat fara a obtine Residence Work Permit. Cine aplica pentru tine? Compania respectiva. Da, poate aplica. Din pacate nici o firma nu va depune acest efort sa-ti obtina tie dreptul de munca aici, pentru un post de chelner, cand in Londra sunt mii de chelneri, ospatari in cautare de loc de munca.
Am cunoscut o doamna profesor universitar, care a fost selectionata sa predea la o Universitate celebra de aici. Cand Decanul a realizat ca ea nu poate lucra fara permisiunea Home Office, au anuntat-o in cel mai politicos mod, ca desi este calificata si este ideala pentru Universitatea lor, se vad nevoiti sa acorde jobul altcuiva.
Nici macar ei nu s-au zabtut pentru a-i obtine dreptul de munca aici.
5. In contractul respectiv se cereau bani pentru cazare. Se incepe cu cea mai scumpa cazare. Evident ca lumea se arunca la cazarea de £500 de lire. Wow! Fantastic! Un job de 3500 de lire, vacante, mese, lucru de 8 ore. Face omul rost de 500 de lire, nu-i asa?
In realitate, nimeni nu da 3 mese pe zi, daca apuci sa ciugulesti ceva din bucatarie esti fericit. Se lucreaza mai multe de 8 ore, sunt pauze este adevarat, 6 zile pe saptamana.
6. Nu mai transmiteti prin internet persoanele pe care nu le cunoasteti datele voastre personale: copii dupa buletin, pasport, adrese si ce vi se mai solicita. Acesti oameni nu doar vor sa va scuture de niste bani, unii sunt hoti de identitate. Intr-o zi o sa va treziti ca aveti datorii prin Londra si sunteti cautati international.
7 De fiecare data adresele sunt adevarate, ca doar le puteti verifica. Dar cand vedeti adrese de email ciudate, fara numere de telefon fixe, este un alt semnal de alarma. Verificati daca numarul este de UK. Aici toata lumea are telefon fix. Orice firma trebuie sa aiba telefon fix si adresa unde poate fi contactata. Numerele de telefon trebuie sa aiba 11 cifre. In cazul de mai sus lipseste una.
Scammeri, copiaza aceste adrese. Baiatului de azi l-am sfatuit sa contacteze direct hotelul, administratia hotelului.
Nu a mai fost nevoie, pentru ca a gasit intamplator pe internet acelasi mesaj primit de el si reclamat deja de alte persoane ca fiind scam.
Stiu ca este foarte greu in Romania. Oamenii astia cu asta se ocupa. Cauta oameni disperati care sunt in stare de orice pentru un job.
Aici a descoperit ca era pe punctul de a fi pacalit.
Anchete facute de BBC.
Fake job scam
A BBC investigation has exposed a fake job scam targeting unemployed people desperate for work in the recession. Inside Out East has tracked down the two men behind it. They’re now under investigation.
Alta alerta
Sfat! nu dati datele personale, nu trimiteti bani si nu uitati ca nimeni nu ofera salarii atat de mari, conditii bune de munca fara interviu “face to face”.
pentru cei care cunosc si alte site-uri unde au descoperit job scam sa lase un comentari sau o adresa pentru a fi publicate si cei care citesc sa se documenteze, eventual sa povesteasca de tepele luate.
Baiatul era tentat sa trimita banii pentru cazare, fiind incantat de job. Toata lumea trebuie sa-si caute cazare. O teapa de minim £500
Maddie Ancuta
mai multe informatii in Consiliere si viata in UK
Buna ziua am trimis si eu acuma o saptamana un e mail am vazut pe facebook despre un hotel din Dubai Golden Sands Hotel,ca fac angajari am vb cu ei prin e mailuri totul ok dar mi sa cerut sa trimit o taxa de 65 de dolari pentru a trimite actele.Nu inteleg o chestier spuneau ca actele le trimit la Camerun,dar hotelul e in Dubai,aici miam pus semnul intrebarii.Mi sa facut o oferta interesanta,iam zis ca sa plateasca ei taxele si cand ajung acolo sa imi opreasca cei 65 de dolari din salar,dar au spus ca sa schimbat politica,dupa ce voi trimite banii voi primi contractual il voi semna si ei imi vor trimite bani pentru biletul de avion si pentru pasaport.Ce spune ti,astept urgent un raspuns pe e mailul meu daca stie cineva ceva sa ma anunte va rog frumos din suflet cozianunicuraducu@yahoo.com Multumesc
Buna ziua dl Cozianu. Orice hotel are si un site cu date de contact: nr de tel, fax, email. Pers care se ocupa cu angajare. Orice astfel de site sau majoritatea au rubrics legata de angajari. Este bine sa verruficati existenta. Site uli si a adresei de email. Eventual sa i Sunati. Asa oricine isi poate face o pagina de Fb. Cauta aceste date si spune ne si noua dar nu trimite nici un ban momentan. Succes!
Am primit si eu exact aceeasi oferta de la Threadneedles Hotel, pentru un job de Room attendant mi se ofereau 2200 de pounds.Mi s-a parut ciudat faptul ca nu m-au chemat la niciun interviu, asa ca am intrat oe site-ul oficial al hotelului, unde am gasit adresa de mail a managerului, care se numeste, intr-adevar, Andreas Stys.
I-am trimis un e-mail si i-am cerut sa-mi confirme ca oferta este facuta din partea hotelului.
Raspunsul a fost foarte clar: este o inselatorie!
bravo Elena, bine ca ai verificat
Un alt mesaj primit din Romania. Un alt job scam. Mare atentie!
DEAR: xx.
Congratulations! We are pleased to confirm you have been selected to work
for THREADNEEDLES HOTEL LONDON We are delighted to make you the
following job offer.
The position we are offering is that of (CASHIER) at a NET salary of (£2,000) per
month. This position reports to (HR MANAGER – ANDREAS STYS). Your working
hours will be from (7am – 3pm (8hrs) Monday-Fridays), with break period of 2hrs
hours only, beginning from (12pm – 2pm). This is a This is a contract position which you
would be able to work here in London for a minimum of 1yr and a maximum of
• We would like you to start work on (25 MARCH 2013). Please report to (HR
MANAGER – ANDREAS STYS), for documentation and orientation. If this date is
not acceptable, please contact me immediately.
• You cannot carry forward any unutilized annual leave to the next year. Any leave
balance at the end of the calendar year shall be forfeited.
• All leave applications must be made in writing and at least seven (7) days inadvance and shall be approved at the absolute discretion of THREADNEEDLES
• You are under the obligation to abide by the United Kingdom Laws while in
• This letter of appointment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of England.
NOTE: We want to let you know that THREADNEEDLES HOTEL, LONDON Will pay
you two months upfront payment of your basic salary and send to you via courier
when you document have been prepared.
HOTEL, LONDON Is required for eligibility. Starter’s GBP can be re-paid within ten (10) years with 5% interest.
• LIEU CAR LOAN: All Employees are eligible to apply. Starter’s amount will
be £5,500.00 GBP can be re-paid within five (5) years
• TRAFFORD BUSINESS LOAN: All Employees are eligible to apply starter’s
amount will be £10,000.00 GBP to £30,000.00 GBP annually.
• Employees are entitled to (2) times leave in a year, the duration of the
leave is one month each. Employee will receive £1,250.00 GBP take home foreach leave period.
• Employee is expected to reside at THREADNEEDLES HOTEL; LONDON
Housing Hostel for a period of one (1) year, whereby the hotel management
would be responsible to take care of the employee’s accommodation and the only
fees which would be required to pay is a NERF (New Employees’ Registration Fee).
• Employee is entitled to take meals free of charge at the general staff
canteens. Dietary option, customized cooks and dieticians are available options
• Employer will provide the employee with comprehensive health care for
the term of contract and follow-on care for injuries suffered during the term of
contract for employee and family.
• Employee shall be entitled to comprehensive health care services, which are to be administered by medical experts on job locations.
• In a case of emergency situation, an Employee will be flown to his home
country or any country suitable for the best medical attention. This decision can
be influenced by the findings of THREADNEEDLES HOTEL, LONDON
Medical experts, unless the Employee in question states otherwise.
Information Regarding Travelling Documentations:
• As a NON-EU Citizen, you would require a Visa and a Residence Work Permit, so
as for you to be eligible to work here in the UK. THREADNEEDLES HOTEL, LONDON
Management would be responsible to pay for your Visa and Flight Ticket,
whereby you would have to bear the charges for the processing of your Residence
Work Permit Papers.
• As an EU Citizen and a Member of the EEA and the SWISS National, you do not require a Visa and Work Permit to enter and work in the UK. THREADNEEDLES
HOTEL, LONDON Management would be responsible to pay for your Flight Ticket.
Note: EU citizens, especially from (Romania & Bulgaria), you might require a
Residence Work Permit or other documentations, before you would be able to
work here in the UK. All this would be discussed with you by the Immigration
Office as soon as you are in contact with them.
You should also note that your employment here at THREADNEEDLES HOTEL,
LONDON would be considered under the TIER 2 CASES work permit application
scheme and your are entitled to work for a period of 60 months (i.e. 5 years) or
above if you which to extend your employment here at require a Visa and Work Permit to enter and work in the UK. THREADNEEDLES
HOTEL, LONDON Management would be responsible to pay for your Flight Ticket.
Note: EU citizens, especially from (Romania & Bulgaria), you might require a
Residence Work Permit or other documentations, before you would be able to
work here in the UK. All this would be discussed with you by the Immigration
Office as soon as you are in contact with them.
You should also note that your employment here at THREADNEEDLES HOTEL,
LONDON would be considered under the TIER 2 CASES work permit application
scheme and your are entitled to work for a period of 60 months (i.e. 5 years) or
above if you which to extend your employment here at require a Visa and Work Permit to enter and work in the UK. THREADNEEDLES
HOTEL, LONDON Management would be responsible to pay for your Flight Ticket.
Note: EU citizens, especially from (Romania & Bulgaria), you might require a
Residence Work Permit or other documentations, before you would be able to
work here in the UK. All this would be discussed with you by the Immigration
Office as soon as you are in contact with them.
You should also note that your employment here at THREADNEEDLES HOTEL,
LONDON would be considered under the TIER 2 CASES work permit application
scheme and your are entitled to work for a period of 60 months (i.e. 5 years) or
above if you which to extend your employment here at THREADNEEDLES HOTEL,
LONDON would be considered under the TIER 2 CASES work permit application
scheme and your are entitled to work for a period of 60 months (i.e. 5 years) or
above if you which to extend your employment here at THREADNEEDLES
HOTEL, LONDON Or with some other company/organization and the minimum
period of your contract is for one (1) year.
Thanks for your co-operation and we are looking forward to seeing you here at
THREADNEEDLES HOTEL, LONDON to share your ideas to build up this great
Andreas sty’s
Head of Human Resources
Threadneedles hotel london Applicants Name & Signature
Dear ……
Thanks for your email and this is an Affirmation that your answers were found satisfactory and the document attached to this email embodies our ”Employment Contract Letter” of the job you are about to be offered.
You are to read carefully the employment contract letter and if everything is fine with you, sign and send back to us as an email attachment, the signed letter and also to the UKBA Office contact details given below, whom will be in charge to furnish you with more details regarding the preparation of your traveling documentations you might need before your arrival here in the UK.
UKBA Office contact details;
Contact Person: Daniel Johnson
Email: uk.britishimmigration_agency@mail.com
Note:you are to send your signed contract letter to the UBKA British Immigration here in london
For more information please do not hesitate to write back to us.
Best Regards
Andreas Stys
Human Resource Manager
Threadneedles Hotel
Tel: +447042031523
email: threadneedles_hotel@live.co.uk
ATENTIE~ Verificati adresele de email si numarul de telefon.
Pingback: Ingrijorarile britanice
acesta este site-ul de unde baiatul a gasit anuntul. Hotelul exista evident.
Dar anuntul si restul sunt spam.
Draga Ancuta ….
Nu pot spune altceva decat : Te sarut pe suflet ! Jos palaria…Sper sa citeasca si sa realizeze realitatea cit mai multi ,respectiv in primul rind cei ce doresc sa lucreze si nu numai in UK !
Cu deosebita apreciere si respect ,al tau
Octavian Radulescu
Multumesc:) Chiar trebuie citit, sunt foarte multi care chiar mi-au spus. “Am nevoie de un job, sunt disperat”. Din pacate acesti oameni chiar asta cauta, oameni disperati, care din piatra seaca scot ultimii bani… daca 3 oameni trimit ptr un “job sigur si cazare” 500 de lire. oamenii astia fac banii grei. Asta este jobul lor, sa pacaleasca oamenii disperati sau sa le fure identitatea, pentru a trage tepe bancilor sau firmelor sau altora cu folosind identitatea lor. Sistemul este valabil peste tot in lume. Doar vorbim de online.