Radio Catch22 London » August 26, 2011

Daily Archives: August 26, 2011


Budoir photography

Published by:

Boudoir Pho­tog­ra­phy

For women made by woman

If you’re look­ing for a spe­cial present for your hus­band, boyfriend, fiancé, or just want to treat your­self to a unique gift, our pro­fes­sional boudoir photo ses­sionsare a once-in-a-lifetime expe­ri­ence. Boudoir style pho­tog­ra­phy is sen­sual and sexy. With our boudoir clients, we focus on mak­ing the woman feel attrac­tive. It’s not about being in per­fect shape, thin, or young: instead we high­light your best fea­tures to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful shot.In order to cre­ate amaz­ing images Boudoir Photography is intimate. It’s not simply about being nude or showing skin, it’s about a woman’s personality. We reveal her eroticism and sensuality in an artistic, aesthetic and even mystical way. Boudoir Photography is suggestive and sophisticated; it’s never vulgar and flat. That’s its secret. for boudoir clients, we’ve decided that every woman who walks into our stu­dio needs to be treated like a pro­fes­sional model!Together with Maddie, you can cre­ate images to trea­sure forever! For women made by woman.

Te provocam la o şedinţă foto inedită.

 Indraznesti sa-i oferi partenerului tău un astfel de cadou ? O astfel de sedinta : boudoir, te va ajuta în primul rând să te percepi pe tine în mod diferit, iar apoi sa captezi atenţia şi interesul iubitului tau. Acest tip de fotografie încearcă sa captureze esenţa feminitatii tale.

Fotografia de boudoir a castigat popularitate printre viitoarele şi actualele sotii, este un trend nou, senzual. Iti faci curaj ?

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