Radio Catch22 London » March 6, 2013

Daily Archives: March 6, 2013

Medicină naturistă

Pentru cei care inca mai cred in vaccinuri…(en-ro)

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An extraordinary paper published by a courageous doctor and investigative medical researcher has dug the dirt on 30 years of secret official transcripts of meetings of UK government vaccine committees and the supposedly independent medical “experts” sitting on them with their drug industry connections.

Un medic si investigator medical a publicat un extraordinar raport realizat, pe baza cercetarii stenogramelor oficiale ale intalnirilor, de-a lungul a 30 de ani, dintre comitetul guvernamental al vaccinurilor cu asa numitii “experti independenti” cu ale lor conexiuni cu industria medicamentelor.

A Freedom of Information Act filing by a doctor in the UK, has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have

Acest medic a depus o cerere pentru “Dreptul la Libera Informare” si a dezvaluit 30 de ani de secrete guvernamentale care demonstreaza ca expertii medicali din guvern au cunostinta de faptul ca:

1. Known the vaccines don’t work /

vaccinurile nu functioneaza

2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent /

vaccinurile cauzeaza bolile pe care ar trebui sa le previna

3. Known they are a hazard to children /

vaccinurile prezinta un risc pentru copii

4. Colluded to lie to the public /

s-a complotat la pacalirea publicului

5. Worked to prevent safety studies /

s-a facut tot posibilul sa se impiedice studiile de siguranta ale vaccinurilor

Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US, and many other countries.

Este vorba de aceleasi vaccinuri care sunt obligatorii pentru copiii din SUA si din multe alte tari.

No pharmaceutical drug is devoid of risks from adverse reactions and vaccines are no exception. According to the world’s leading drug regulatory authority, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), vaccines represent a special category of drugs in that they are generally given to healthy individuals and often to prevent a disease to which an individual may never be exposed. This, according to the FDA, places extra emphasis on vaccine safety.

Niciun medicament de sinteza nu este lipsit de riscul de a cauza efecte adverse, iar vaccinurile nu fac exceptie de la aceasta regula. Potrivit celei mai mari Autoritati care reglementeaza medicamentele in SUA, FDA (Administratia Alimentelor si Medicamentelor), vaccinurile reprezinta o categorie speciala care, in general, se administreaza persoanelor sanatoase pentru a preveni o boala la care acestea poate nu vor fi expuse niciodata iar acest lucru, potrivit FDA, indica faptul ca vaccinurile sunt foarte sigure.

Universally, regulatory authorities are responsible for ensuring that new vaccines go through proper scientific evaluation before they are approved. An equal responsibility rests on the medical profession to promote vaccinations but only with those vaccines whose safety and efficacy has been demonstrated to be statistically significant. Furthermore, vaccination is a medical intervention and as such, it should be carried out with the full consent of those who are being subjected to it. This necessitates an objective disclosure of the known or foreseeable risks and benefits and, where applicable, a description of alternative courses of treatment. In cases where children and infants are involved, full consentwith regards to vaccination should be given by the parents.

Universal valabil este faptul ca autoritatile care reglementeaza vaccinurile, inainte de a le aproba, sunt responsabile sa se asigura ca acestea au fost supuse unor riguroase evaluari stiintifice. O responsibilitate similara o au si profesionistii medicali care promoveaza vaccinurile, dar numai in baza unor statistici semnificative care demonstreaza eficacitatea si siguranta acestora. In plus, vaccinarea este o interventie medicala si ar trebui sa aiba loc doar cu deplinul acord al partii careia i se va face vaccinul. Aceasta necesita o prezentare obiectiva a avantajelor dar si ale riscurilor posibile, iar in cazul copiilor, vaccinarea va trebui facuta numai cu acordul parintilor.

Deliberately concealing information from the parents for the sole purpose of getting them to comply with an “official” vaccination schedule could thus be considered as a form of ethical violation or misconduct. Official documents obtained from the UK Department of Health (DH) and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) reveal that the British health authorities have been engaging in such practice for the last 30 years, apparently for the sole purpose of protecting the national vaccination program.

Ascunderea deliberata a informatiilor fata de parinti, in scopul de a-i determina sa se comformeze cu agenda “oficiala” de vaccinare, ar putea fi considerata o forma de incalcare a codului etic sau o grava abatere. Documentele oficiale obtinute de la Ministerul Sanatatii a Marii Britanii si de la Comitetul de Vaccinare si Imunizare, dezvaluie faptul ca autoritatile britanice de sanatate au fost implicate in astfel de practici de cel putin 30 de ani incoace, cu scopul de a proteja programul national de vaccinare.

Vaccine-Results-LiesAs a result of such vaccination policy promoted by the JCVI and the DH, many children have been vaccinated without their parents being disclosed the critical information about demonstrated risks of serious adverse reactions, one that the JCVI appeared to have been fully aware of. It would also appear that, by withholding this information, the JCVI/DH neglected the right of individuals to make an informed consent concerning vaccination. By doing so, the JCVI/DH may have violated not only International Guidelines for Medical Ethics (i.e., Helsinki Declaration and the International Code of Medical Ethics) but also, their own Code of Practice.

Ca rezultat a acestei politici de vaccinare, promovata de Comitet si de Ministerul Sanatatii britanice, multi copii au fost vaccinati fara ca parintilor lor sa li se dea toata informatia critica privind riscurile dovedite de a suferi efecte adverse serioase, lucruri pe care Comitetul de Vaccinare si Imunizare se pare ca le cunoastea foarte bine. Facand acest lucru, atat Comitetul cat si Ministerul Sanatatii, nu numai ca au incalcat Gidul International ale Eticii Medicale (cum ar fi Declaratia de la Helsinki si Codul International de Etica Medicala) dar au incalcat si Propriul lor Cod al practicii Medicale.

This is what everyone has always known but could never prove before now. Pass this information on to others so they can see what goes on in Government health committees behind locked doors.

Acestea sunt lucruri pe care cu totii le cunosteau, dintotdeauna, dar nu le-au putut dovedi pana acum. Da mai departe aceasta informatie pentru ca toti sa vada ce se petrece in spatele usilor inchise, in cadrul comisiilor medicale guvernamentale.

The transcripts of the JCVI meetings also show that some of the Committee members had extensive ties to pharmaceutical companies and that the JCVI frequently co-operated with vaccine manufacturers on strategies aimed at boosting vaccine uptake. Some of the meetings at which suchcontroversial items were discussed were not intended to be publicly available, as the transcripts were only released later, through the Freedom of Information Act (FOI). These particular meetings are denoted in the transcripts as “commercial in confidence”, and reveal a clear and disturbinglack of transparency, as some of the information was removed from the text (i.e., the names of the participants) prior to transcript release under the FOI section at the JCVI website (for example, JCVI CSM/DH (Committee on the Safety of Medicines/Department of Health) Joint Committee on Adverse Reactions Minutes 1986-1992.

Stenograma intalnirilor dintre Comitetul de Vaccinare si Imunizare, arata deasemenea, ca unii membri ai comitetului detin stranse legaturi cu companiile farmaceutice si ca acest Comitet a cooperat in mod frecvent cu fabricantii de vaccinuri in crearea de strategii pentru a creste rata de vaccinare. Unele stenograme care prezinta astfel de subiecte conversate, nu au fost menite sa fie facute publice, insa ele au fost dezvaluite mai tarziu, sub Actul Dreptului la Informare Libera. Aceste sedinte sunt denumite in stenograme drept “confidentialitate comerciala” si reveleaza o clara si rascolitoare lipsa de transparenta, intrucat unele informatii au fost sterse din text (de exemplu: numele participantilor), inainte ca stenogramele sa fie eliberate in baza actului Dreptului la Informare Libera din cadrul websiteului Comitetului de Vaccinare si Imunizare, de exemplu: Sedinta referitoare la Reactii Adverse din anul 1986-1992.

In summary, the transcripts of the JCVI/DH meetings from the period from 1983 to 2010 appear to show that:

In sumar, stenogramele sedintelor dintre Comitetul de Vaccinare si Imunizare si Ministerul Sanatatii din perioada 1983 pana in 2010 par sa arate ca:

1) Instead of reacting appropriately by re-examining existing vaccination policies when safety concerns over specific vaccines were identified by their own investigations, the JCVI either a) took no action, b) skewed or selectively removed unfavourable safety data from public reports and c) made intensive efforts to reassure both the public and the authorities in the safety of respective vaccines;

1) in loc sa reactioneze adecvat si sa reexamineze politicile curente de vaccinare in ceea ce priveste unele motive de ingrijorare identificate chiar de proprii investigatori, Comitetul de Vaccinare si Imunizare nu a luat nicio atitudine, ba dimpotriva, a diminuat sau, in mod selectiv, a sters informatiile nefavorabile despre siguranta vaccinurilor, facand eforturi intense de a linisti atat publicul cat si autoritatile ca vaccinurile respective sunt sigure;

2) Significantly restricted contraindication to vaccination criteria in order to increase vaccination rates despite outstanding and unresolved safety issues;

2) S-au redus in mod semnificativ criteriile contraindicatiilor la vaccinare, in scopul maririi ratei de vaccinare, in ciuda problemelor ramase nerezolvate in ce priveste siguranta acestora.

3) On multiple occasions requested from vaccine manufacturers to make specific amendments to their data sheets, when these were in conflict with JCVI’s official advices on immunisations;

3) de multe ori li s-a cerut fabricantilor de vaccinuri sa faca modificari specifice pe fisele tehnice, cand acestea erau in conflict cu sfaturile oficiale asupra imunizarii facute de Comitetul de Vaccinare si Imunizare;

4) Persistently relied on methodologically dubious studies, while dismissing independent research, to promote vaccine policies;

4) Pentru promovarea politicilor de vaccinare, in mod persistent s-a pus baza pe studii metodologic dubioase, in timp ce studiile independente au fost respinse

5) Persistently and categorically downplayed safety concerns while over-inflating vaccine benefits;

5) In mod insistent si categoric s-a ignorat problematica sigurantei vaccinurilor, in timp ce beneficiile acestora s-au exagerat;

6) Promoted and elaborated a plan for introducing new vaccines of questionable efficacy and safety into the routine paediatric schedule, on the assumption that the licenses would eventually be granted;

6) s-au promovat si elaborat planuri de introducere in programul de rutina pediatrica a unor noi vaccinuri care inca prezentau semne de intrebare in ce priveste siguranta si eficacitatea lor

7) Actively discouraged research on vaccine safety issues;

7) cercetarile pe problema sigurantei vaccinurilor, s-au descurajat in mod activ;

8) Deliberately took advantage of parents’ trust and lack of relevant knowledge on vaccinations in order to promote a scientifically unsupported immunisation program which could put certain children at risk of severe long-term neurological damage.

8) S-a profitat in mod deliberat de increderea si lipsa de cunoastere aprofundata a parintilor asupra vaccinarii, in scopul de a promova un program de imunizare nesustinut stiintific, ceea ce ar putea supune anumiti copii la risc de afectiuni neurologice severe si de lunga durata;

Dr. Tomlijenovic explains; for instance, how JCVI has known since as early as 1981 that the measles vaccine, which is part of the government’s official vaccine schedule, is linked to long-term neurological damage and death. She also outlines, with full citations, evidence showing that JCVI has long been aware that many of scheduled vaccines cause permanent brain damage in children, but have continued to promote those vaccines anyway.

Dr. Tomlijenovic explica; de exemplu, cum Comitetul de Vaccinare si Imunizare cunostea inca din 1981 faptul ca vaccinul antipojar, care face parte din programul oficial guvernamental de vaccinare, este legat de afectiuni neurologice de lunga durata si moarte. Deasemenea, dansa (dr. Tomlijenovic) subliniaza, cu toate dovezile, ca acest Comitet de Vaccinare si Imunizare cunostea de foarte mult timp ca multe dintre vaccinurile programate cauzeaza la copii afectiuni permanente ale creierului, insa au continuat sa promoveze aceste vaccinuri.

vaccines_sommee-cards(text din imagine: de ce copiii mei nevaccinati sunt o amenintare pentru copiii tai vaccinati daca esti asa de sigur ca vaccinurile chiar functioneaza?)

Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent) – are a miracle of modern medicine.

Parintii educati pot ori sa-si fereasca copiii de aceste primejdii, ori sa continue sa traiasca in cea mai mare si diabolica minciuna din istorie, si anume ca vaccinurile – pline de metale grele, boli virale, micoplasma, materii fecale, fragmente de ADN de la alte specii, formaldehide, polisorbat 80 (agent sterilizant) – sunt un miracol al medicinei moderne.

A Freedom of Information Act filing in the US with the CDC by a doctor with an autistic son, seeking information on what the CDC knows about the dangers of vaccines, had by law to be responded to in 20 days. Nearly 7 years later, the doctor went to court and the CDC argued it does not have to turn over documents. A judge ordered the CDC to turn over the documents on September 30th, 2011.

In SUA, un medic care are un fiu autist, a depus la CDC (Centrul de Control al Bolilor) o cerere la Libera Informare, cerand informatii despre ce anume cunoaste CDC-ul cu privire la pericolele vaccinurilor, iar prin lege, trebuia sa obtina un raspuns in 20 de zile. Aproape 7 ani mai tarziu, doctorul s-a dus la Curtea de Justitie iar CDC-ul sustinea ca nu este obligat sa prezinte documentele. Pe 30 Septembrie 2011, un judecator a hotarat ca CDC sa prezinte documentele.

The US CDC is an unreliable source of information. They constantly grossly exaggerate death and disease figures to promote vaccines. The UK Department of Health does the same. Both for example have claimed flu causes thousands of deaths each year but in fact it does not. They do that to promote the flu vaccine, which the international Cochrane Collaboration, which publishes medical research into the accuracy of claims like that, has shown that the flu vaccine is not effective.

CDC-ul din SUA este o sursa de informare in care nu se poate avea incredere. Ei, in mod constant exagereaza mult statisticile de moarte si imbolnaviri, in scopul promovarii vaccinurilor. Ministerul Sanatatii britanice, face la fel. De exemplu, ambele organisme au declarat mii de morti anual datorate gripei, cand de fapt, lucrurile nu stau asa. Ei fac acest lucru pentru a promova vaccinul antigripal, care, potrivit Cochrane Collaboration – publicatie de studii medicale care verifica astfel de statistice, a demonstrat ca vaccinul antigripal nu este eficient.

On October 26, 2011, a Denver Post editorial expressed shock that the Obama administration, after promising to be especially transparent, was proposing changes to the Freedom of Information Act that would allow it to go beyond declaring some documents secret and to actually allow government agencies (such as the CDC) to declare some document “non-existent.”

Pe 26 Octombrie, 2011, un editorial din ziarul Denver Post si-a exprimat socul datorita faptului ca Administratia Obama, dupa ce in prealabil a promis ca va fi total transparenta, propunea schimbari la Legea Informarii Libere, schimbari care vor permite organizatiilor guvernamentale (gen CDC) sa declare anumite documente secrete iar altele “non-existente”.

VacIngredientsA short summary of the most important arguments that support NON-VACCINATION:

Un scurt sumar a celor mai importante argumente care sustin NON-VACCINAREA:

  • Vaccines contain a combination of at least 39 different highly toxic metals, cancer causing substances, toxic chemicals, live and genetically modified viruses, bacteria, contaminated serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic de-contaminants and adjuvants, untested antibiotics, none of which can be injected without causing any harm. Vaccine contaminants have included bovine (cow), avian (chicken) and monkey viruses and bacteria such as streptococcus in the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine [Pediatrics, Vol. 75, No. 2, Feb 1985] and Serratia marcesens in the influenza vaccines [2004 influenza season].

  • Vaccinurile contin o combinatie de cel putin 39 de metale grele deosebit de toxice, substante care cauzeaza cancer, chimicale toxice, virusi vii si modificati genetic, bacterii, ser contaminat cu virusi animali si material genetic strain, decontaminanti si adjuvanti extrem de toxici, antibiotice netestate, dintre care niciunele nu pot fi injecatate fara pericol. Contaminantii din vaccin includ, contaminanti virali bovini (vaci), aviari (gaini) si virusi si bacterii din maimute, cum ar fi streptococul din vaccinul DTP Diftero-Tetano-Pertussis [Pediatrics, Vol. 75, No. 2, Feb 1985] si Serratia marcesens din vaccinul anti-influentz (sezonul de influentza din 2004).

  • There is no scientific study to determine whether vaccines have really prevented diseases. Rather disease graphs show vaccines have been introduced at the end of epidemics when the disease was already in its last stages. In case of Small Pox the vaccine actually caused a great spurt in the incidence of disease before public outcry led to its withdrawal.

  • Nu exista studii stiintifice care sa determine daca, intradevar, vaccinurile au prevenit boala. Mai degraba, graficele de boala arata ca vaccinurile au fost implementate la sfarsitul epidemiilor, cand boala se afla deja in stadiul final. In cazul variolei, de fapt, vaccinul a cauzat o crestere brusca in imbolnavirile de variola inainte ca reactiile publice ulterioare sa duca la retragerea acestui vaccin.

  • There are no long-term studies on vaccine safety. Very short-term tests are carried out where the vaccinated subjects are checked against another group who are given another vaccine. Technically the tests should be carried out against a non-vaccinated group. No one really knows what protocols are followed at such industry based or industry sponsored trials.

  • Nu exista studii de lunga durata pentru cercetarea sigurantei vaccinurilor. Se fac teste pe durata scurta unde pacientii vaccinati sunt verificati in comparatie cu un alt grup caruia i s-a facut un alt vaccin. Tehinc vorbind, aceste teste ar trebui sa se desfasoare in comparatie cu un grup nevaccinat. Nimeni nu prea stie ce fel de protocoale sunt urmate intr-un domeniu atat de sustinut de industrie cu teste sponsorizate de industrie.

  • The mercury, aluminum and live viruses in vaccines may be behind the huge epidemic of autism (1 in 110 in the USA), a fact that has been admitted by the US Vaccine Court. About 83 suspected cases of vaccines causing autism have been awarded compensation.

  • Mercurul, aluminiul si virusii vii din vaccinuri pot fi in spatele imensei epidemii de autism (1 din 110 cazuri in SUA), fapt admis si de Instanta Vaccinului in SUA.

  • Both the Small Pox and the Oral Polio Vaccine are made from monkey serum. This serum has helped many monkey viruses to enter the human blood stream. Out of these, the only researched virus, SV 40, has been found to be cancerous. These viruses continue to be in the vaccines. The presence of SV 40 in various human cancers has been demonstrated. Today it is known that the virus is being passed on to future generations as its presence in the mother’s milk and human sperms has been established.

  • Ambele vaccinuri, variola si Polio Oral sunt facute din ser din maimuta. Acest ser a ajutat multi virusi de maimuta sa intre in sistemul circulator uman. Din toate acestea, singurul virus cercetat este SV40, care s-a descoprit ca fiind cancerigen. Acesti virusi continua sa fie prezenti in vaccinuri. Prezenta virusului SV40 in variate celule canceroase umane a fost demonstrata. Se stie astazi ca virusul este pasat viitoarelor generatii, acesta fiind prezent in laptele matern dar si in sperma umana.

  • The number of polio cases was declining before the widespread administration of the Salk vaccine. Cases which had previously been reported as polio are now reported as meningitis. The risk of contracting polio from the live virus vaccine is greater than the risk of acquiring the disease from naturally occurring viruses.

  • Numarul de cazuri de polio a fost in declin inainte de administrarea la scara mare a vaccinului Salk. Cazurile care inainte se raportau drept polio, astazi se inregistreaza drept meningita. Riscul de a contracta polio de la un virus viu este mult mai mare decat de la un virus din natura.

  • Many doctors argue that diseases during childhood are due to the body exercising its immune system. Suppressing these diseases causes the immune system to remain undeveloped causing the various autoimmune disorders in adults like diabetes and arthritis that have become epidemics today.

  • Multi medici argumenteaza ca bolile din timpul copilariei sunt datorita sistemului imunitar pus la treaba de catre organism. Suprimarea acestor boli duc la un sistem imunitar subdezvoltat cauzand diverse boli autoimune in adulti precum diabet si artrita, care au devenit o epidemie in zilele noastre.

Medicină naturistă

Tina Turner – Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu – (Peace Mantra)

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Tina Turner intr-o incantatie vedica…e ceva diferit de ceea ce eram obisnuiti de la ea…

A Vedic blessing for the world: (Rugaciune din Veda,pentru lume)

Oṃ. sarveśāṃ svastir bhavatu;

sarveśāṃ śāntir bhavatu;

sarveśāṃ pūrṇaṃ bhavatu;

sarveśāṃ maṅgalaṃ bhavatu

“May everyone enjoy well-being; ( Fie ca toti sa se bucure de o stare buna )

may everyone enjoy peace; (Fie ca toti sa se bucure de pace )

may everyone enjoy fullness; (Fie ca toti sa se bucure de implinire )

may everyone enjoy auspiciousness.” ( Fie ca toti sa se bucure de noroc )

Astu–May it be so. (Asa sa fie – Amin)